We Help Wildlife is an education hub. We provide primary school resources, corporate motivational talks, and volunteer and professional level training.

We respect and protect our Island, our wildlife and our unique heritage through direct action, networking, content creation and education. w♥w

About Us

We Help Wildlife was started in 2020 when Pearse Stokes recognised the need for an organisation that supported the work of people supporting wildlife – from vets to volunteers, for large organisations to small ones all across Ireland.

Pearse began his journey to hep wildlife by accident. Seeing a post by Dan Donoher on social media, Pearse got up to help a sick fox. Taking it to Kildare for Dan to rehabilitate Pearse saw, for the first time, what wildlife rehabilitation was. He left inspired. From then on Pearse and Dan have worked together to push for further professionalisation of the entire practice. Pearse focusing on Rescue (or first response) and Dan on Rehabilitation.

Over the years they began providing training courses for wildlife rehabbers and general people who would like to know more about how to help an animal in need. Those courses have grown and grown and now, We Help Wildlife has created a model based on the highest international standards for wildlife rescue.

Likewise, we offer an accreditation to Wildlife Rehabilitation centres, ranging from Introductory, to Bronze, Silver and Gold. Organisations will be able to proudly show they are We Help Wildlife Accredited and that their response teams are We Help Wildlife qualified.

Just as how people like to know the basics of first aid for humans, We Help Wildlife offers a short course in what to do if you find a wild animal in need. This is not for people involved with their local rescue, but the general public who would like to know what to do when they find a sick or injured animal that desperately needs help.

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